
Thursday, September 20, 2012

365QOD - Day593

“What to do? What to do?” -  a persistent question

While reading Inc. magazine I came across a description of a new book, Worth It… Not Worth it by Jack Otter,  that supposedly boils each of life's financial dilemmas down to a simple question.”

As we all know life isn’t simple.  We often feel that there should exist simple answers to our big dilemmas.   Maybe finding a key question to ask could make the final decision as clear as black and white?

The purpose of this blog is to take new information, discuss it, and then pose a great question.  The question is suppose to make you think more deeply about the issue.  So I see it as a start of the thinking process.  BUT this book promises that the question should be the end of thinking.

Today’s question is:
“Does a great question lead to more questions or a simple answer?”

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