
Monday, September 3, 2012


“All startups should be thinking, what frustrates me and how can I make it better?  It might be a small thing or it might be a big thing, but that’s the best way for them to think.  If they think like that, they are likely to build a very successful business.”- Sir Richard Bronson

A few years back I used to sit down during lunch and think about what frustrated me that day.  I could usually find one or two items that just rubbed me the wrong way.  Once I have identified the source of irritation I can proceed to brainstorm ways of eliminating the frustration. 

Next day I would do the same.  It was amazing how one can almost come up with at least one new invention or a solution to a problem per day if one focuses on their frustration.

Sadly, I never did anything with the wonderful solutions I came up with.  There was definitely a lack of execution.  I never profited from all of those ideas.  It was simply mental masturbation.  It made me feel good but produced no useful fruit.

Today’s question is:
“What frustrated you the most today?”

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