
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


“I wanted to change the world.  But I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself.” - Aldous Hyxley

I t is very easy to look at the people around us or on our team and see dysfunction.  If this person would just do X then Y would be so much better.

If it was this easy then management would be simply wishing people into proper behavior.  This magically never occurs. 

The quote teaches us that we must start with us if we are to change anything.  Recently, I was going through a ‘bad attitude’ period.  I thought that other people were wrong and that I was right. 

The problem was not them, it was me.  I had to look in the mirror and decided that I had to change my attitude if my world was to change.

It is amazing how quickly things change when you change yourself.  And by the way, you can control whether you change or not.  You have absolutely no control of whether others change.

Today’s question is:
“Have you tried changing yourself first?”

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