
Friday, November 9, 2012

365QOD- Day643

"Vivere Senza Rimpianti" - an expression

I happen to be flipping through a newspaper when I happen to see this phrase on an actress' side of her body.  It made me wonder what it meant.  After a quick look up I learned that it means to live without regrets.

Of course the expression made me think how it applies to me.  Immediately it brought forth many questions. Mostly, am I?

I am not is the answer.  Often I am so focus on the now that I live without a plan.  Thus, I miss opportunities, lose interest, or simply run out of time to pursue them.

Just like many, I boil it down to lack of focus.  I have too many opportunities I can pursue and only 24 hours to do it in.  Maybe I am not choosing wisely?

In my life I most often regret that I do not do something instead of having done it and failed.  I can handle failure as just simply a result that I can nudge into a result I want.  Maybe the answer for me is to keep doing more things and not only a few?

Currently I have more questions than answers.

Today's question is:
"Are you living a life without regrets?"

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