
Monday, November 5, 2012

365QOD- Day639

“I am scared.” – something that is true for all of us

I watched a History channel special on Andrew Carnegie.  In it one former CEO stated that people who achieve greatness do not necessarily fear less but act more despite it.  The tenth thing we need to stop doing is Fearing in order to be happier.

Fear places us in the past or the future.  Neither of those periods are controllable.  We can not rewrite the past or completely predict the future.  So accept that the only thing that we can change is the Now. 

The now is where we live, if we chose, and as long as we focus on action then fear can not exist.  It is the focus on action that removes the fear.  Do not focus on your abilities.  As the old saying goes. “Just do it”

Today’s question is:
“How do you force yourself to act in the Now?”

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