"Ridiculous" - my belief
I rarely get angry but when I see stories that are suppose to make me go Ohhh that someone is doing good I get angry.
Charity in my mind means charity. If I give to a charity then I expect that 95+ of the the charity gains are to be used for the cause that they claim. When I see that a charity has a million dollar CEO, or even a 500k, then I refuse to give to it. This is not the purpose of a charity.
So when I read a story about $6 toothbrush that gives you one and gives one to a needy child I get angry. My thought is that most toothbrushes are very inexpensive. You could probably go to a dollar store and get a couple of toothbrushes for a dollar. So for $6 you could in theory get 12 toothbrushes or let us just keep it to 10. The cost of shipping 10 plastic toothbrushes? I am guessing $1.
So for the $6 one could save the teeth of 10 children instead of lining the pockets of a supposed 'do gooder'.
That pisses me off.
Today's question is:
"Is a $6 toothbrush charity or a rip off?"
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