
Saturday, November 3, 2012

365QOD- Day637

“Amen” – a word of agreement

Often we want others to do what we want them to do.  We believe this so strong that we are willing to preach to them until they see the light.  Eight thing we need to stop doing is Preaching.

So where does preaching come from?  Often when we succeed at something we feel that we got a license to tell others what we think as if it should hold weight.  This is positional leadership and not true leadership.

As leaders we are often better off if we listen to the input from others and get consensus to move forward.  Yes at times we will have to make the final decision that no one likes but that is life.  Preaching limits you.  You are not learning what others know but simply believing that what you know is superior.

Today’s question is:
“What if you preach and they do not see the light?”

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