
Monday, November 12, 2012

365QOD- Day646

"I like your signature" - words from a real estate agent

The other day I met a real estate agent, James.  We had emailed back and forth earlier that day and he had received the emails with a closing signature that talks about my first book, The Result.

He asked me about the book and I described it.  While talking about the book, I offered the following advice to him:  write 50 columns on real estate topics about 1-2 pages long and then put them together in a book.  Instead of giving someone a business card, give them a book.

I gave the same advice a year ago to another real estate agent.  She was the president of the local real estate association and used to write a weekly column in the local paper.  She already had written the columns.
A year later no book has been produced.

Hopefully James will do it.  It will make him stand out.

Today's question is:
"What will a book of your work do for your career?"

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