
Thursday, November 1, 2012

365QOD- Day635

“I want this to happen” – my words to myself

In yesterday’s post I talked about whining.  Well, the sixth thing to stop doing in order to be happier is to stop Controlling.

The whining story was really my effort to control who ultimately did the work.  I trusted the first vendor and did not think that others could successfully complete the work.  Well, I was wrong.

By giving away control I got the result that I ultimately wanted: success.  I am very good at delegating to people who work with me BUT external vendors do not get the same level of trust.  I have been burned before.

In this instance I had no choice but to give up a little control.  In a sense the result was that I learned who amongst several vendors can come through in a pinch if I need them.  Great information!

Today’s question is:
“Do you sometimes give up controlling a situation?”

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