
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

365QOD- Day648

"Don't do it" - a slogan 

The other day I saw this slogan somewhere.  I can not remember where or on what.  But it caught my attention.

I do believe that what we do is as important as what we do not do.  Yesterday's post was all about finding your niche and the key to great wealth.  But we have to realize that doing that is at the cost of not doing something else.

You can not be everything to everyone.  You can not excel at everything.  Maybe you could be good at most things but great at everything is impossible.

One of my favorite questions to classes has always been, "What is the enemy of great?"  Often students come up with some good answers.  I believe that the enemy to being great at anything is being "good enough" at it.  If one is good enough then they really have to want something to be put the effort to be great.  Often this cost is discouraging and we settle for good enough.

Today's question is:
"What could nudge you to convert 'good enough' into greatness?" 

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