
Friday, August 1, 2014

365QOD- Day1272

Oversharer- The Narcissist

"I love myself.  I looooooove myself"- one too many I love myself

In the article in WSJ Office Oversharers: Don’t tell Us about last Night June 25, 2014 article by Sue Shellenbarger the second type she defines is The Narcissist.

"Definition: The Narcissist- Sees and shares every detail of his/her life as important or interesting"

It is a fine line between knowing your co-workers and knowing too much about your co-workers.  A narcissist does not know where that line is.  They believe that every detail os their life is important and must be shared.  A narcissist sees their lives as the most interesting and must be shared. 

SO how do you stop it?

You can get in a competition over whose life is more important or interesting.  That is one choice but then by definition you became a Narcissist. So the only answer is to politely tell them thanks for sharing but that is information you do not care to learn.  This nips it.  And if it does not then you might try the Blunderer technique of just getting up and walking away.

How do you identify if someone is a narcissist?  Well, in an LA Times story the answer is given as:
“Interestingly, a single question can identify is someone is a narcissist: "To what extent do you agree with this statement: I am a narcissist. (Note: The word 'narcissist' means egotistical, self-focused and vain.)

Today's question is:

"How important or interesting is your life?"  

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