
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

365QOD- Day1395

Four Elements of Leadership- Acceptance

"The first step toward change is awareness.  The second step is acceptance"- Nathaniel Braden
As the leader your reliability and congruence are just a start to building yourself as a leader. You must also develop acceptance.

As I mentioned in congruence you have to be open to your team selling you on their ideas.   If you feel that your ideas are the only ones that count than the team will shut down and no offer any new ideas to you.

Sometimes accepting an inferior team idea might seem like a loss to you add the leader but it could be used as a teachable moment for both you and the team.   Acceptance of their idea and then guiding the team to improve the idea is priceless.   But you have to have the patience to pull it off.

Acceptance of the ideas of others as superior to yours is difficult.   It takes effort to not win the battle in order to win the war.

Today's question is:
"How do you improve your acceptance?"


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