
Saturday, December 27, 2014

365QOD- Day1421

A Single Day is a Lifetime

" each day as if it is your last day"- a zen belief

I hope that I live my life as if it could come to an end today.  It is an ideal that I strive towards but seldom reach.  That does not mean that I stop.

This quote teaches a slightly different version of this concept.  It is to see each day as having a beginning, middle, and eventually comes to an end.  The quote teaches for us to live it as if it is a lifetime.

I believe that a perfect day would start with being grateful to even be given the opportunity to begin it.  It is not guaranteed.  Following this short prayer, focus on making each moment meaningful and full of your attention.  By simply being in the "now" you will live the best day.  And lastly at the end of the day, close your eyes and say your thanks for the "present" that was given to you.

Tomorrow, get excited about the next present...if it comes.

Today's question is:
"Do you live your day as if it is a lifetime?"

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