
Saturday, December 20, 2014

365QOD- Day1414

Success of  Women

"There are 6 characteristics of women who are successful."- a lead in

This morning I watched a show in which the reporter sited a study which showed that successful women bosses have these six characteristics:
1. Assertion
2. Aggression
3. Empathy towards employees
4. Strong ego
5. Total focus
6. Vitality

When I heard these I was not surprised.  These same characteristics can be easily observed in successful men bosses.

So what is new about this?

To me it is interesting that someone thought it was worthwhile to spend time researching this topic.  It is as if women are not human beings.  To me it is obvious that maybe they have slightly different levels of these characteristics than do men but they have them.  And as individuals they might even have more of them than a man.

Today's question is:
"Are men and women leaders that different?"

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