
Sunday, December 21, 2014

365QOD- Day1415

Taking Things Away

"If I say yes it is partly because life keeps taking things away from me and I am never sure when it is the last chance I will have to do something, to do it fully, and if it is, I do not want to miss it."- words from the movie Words and Pictures

In the movie Words and Pictures on of the main characters is stricken with severe arthurithus.  She is an artist and struggles to paint because of it.  Painting is her life passion.

The words are so powerful.  So powerful that they made me pause the movie and capture them.

The character is wise enough and in enough pain to realize that life is slowly taking things away from her and that any opportunity should not be wasted.  She does not want to look back and realize that even if she could do it she might not be able to do something to her fullest.

Unfortunately the rest of us do not make the same connections.  Most of us do not have a severe medical issue that takes things away from us.  We are blessed with bodies that, even though we abuse them, continue to perform.

Time however is cruel.  It ticks away and our bodies slowly change and our abilities, even though it is not severe, reduce over time. It does not pick favorites and slowly squeezes out life out of all of us.

Fight back and do the things in front of you while you can do them to your fullest ability.

Today's question is:
"What is life taking away from you?"

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