important truth do very few people agree with you?"- Peter Thiel Question
would be a very tough question for most people to answer. Why?
Because most people apt to group think too well. It is safer to agree than to do your own
I often
do my own thinking. It is not that I do
not eventually apt to the belief of the group but it is not automatic. I am willing to be looked upon add being
difficult if what I believe is critical for the group to learn and company to
It is not
rare for me to ask during interviews of the company is looking for a yes
man. I am not that and would rather walk
away from an opportunity than to fit in just to make a paycheck. It is just not me.
The truth
for me that I suspect many people would not agree with its that a person can
fit in and contribute by being an independent thinker.
question is:
you a yes man/woman?"
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