
Monday, December 15, 2014

365QOD- Day1409

Business Failure

"Driving your business into the ground"- an idea

I believe that no one intentionally drives their business into the ground.   Most business owners see their businesses like their kids.   Intentionally killing them is not the way most normal parents think.

Recently I worked with a small company that I worked hard to build up.  I was one of two key employees that were tasked with growing the office.  We both worked hard because the intent was for both of us to purchase the business from the owner in the future.

After several months of success I was told that it is not working out.   We were growing and needed poople to satisfy our growing list of clients.   So it was interesting to hear the words that it was not working out.

After I left the company had lost several other employees.   The company is on a downward cycle into the ground.   That is sad since it had a lot of potential.

So what happened?

The owner did not do his own thinking.   He listened to only one of the key employers( hint it was not me).  That particular employee overestimated his importance and his knowledge.   The owner bought into his view.

Today's question is:
"How long would you follow the advice of an employee that is killing your business?"

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