
Monday, April 4, 2011


"Don't write what your readers want to read, write what you are passionate about"-Mark Cuban

When I worked in the steel industry at one time about 50 hourly employees worked in my department.  One of the most amazing facts was that a lot of people retired and then two years later died.  I used to wonder about this BUT eventually I believe I figured it out. 

Work for them was their life.  Once they retired the social aspect was gone, the physical aspect was reduced, and lastly solving problems(mental) was gone.  So in two years they were gone...

Tim Ferriss' idea of finding something physical and mental to work on fits this observation.  One of the things I love about his work is that he is always looking to stretch himself.  His second book(I have not read it yet) is in a completely different area than the first.

My current stretch goals are: to run a half marathon(if a full one is not available since I ran 5k races last year) even with bad knees AND to publish at least one book this year.  I am passionate about both of these goals. 

Today's question is:
"What one physical and one mental goal do you have for this year?"


  1. Um lol Mr T

    Entrepreneur + Engineer + Educator is not E^3 lol its more like 3E... Lol I am just saying...

    I am to put on 20 pounds of muscle....
    Be able to perform a split and....

    I am to obtain my A+ and Network+ Certificate
    Hopefully my drivers license...

    Develop my own website keeping track of my own experiences... Would look good on a CV...

  2. I caught that but forgot to change it.. THANKS
