
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


"Once you get started on a task you will continue doing it.  The key is to get started.  Emotion comes from motion.  Once motion occurs then emotion follows"

Continuing with the idea of conquering procrastination.  One of the techniques that Dr. Timothy Pychyl offers is called Time travel.

As human beings we are often not just irrational BUT predictably irrational. Future rewards seem distant and of less importance than the task at hand.  This is often true when the actual task is fun and pleasant or even free of thinking i.e web surfing.

We have to take a look at a task and visualize a future where we form concrete mental images as if it is happening in the present.  You might visualize yourself actually working on a sub-task of the task and succeeding.  Visualizing your approach and the successful completion of that sub-task is helpful.

Once you are done Time traveling connect the present to the desired future by actually accomplishing the task or part of the task.

Today's question is:
"Can you visualize a future success of a sub-task?"

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