
Saturday, April 30, 2011


" 'No gain' Often times we think in terms of short term gain instead of long-term gain. This short term preference is dangerous. ..."-some bad advise

In my opinion, there are two types of investors: short term and long term investors. Another way to say the same thing is active vs. passive.

Most investors have been brainwashed into believing that they need to be long term investors.  You hear it on the news all the time.

Some statements that you hear often are: "Make sure you have a balanced portfolio and you will be OK", "It is just a short term correction", "The stock is on sale", etc.

Money is like a wife.  You can not ignore it and hope everything will work out in the long run.  Being a long term love investor is like saying to your wife, "Honey I love you!  I will love you for the next 30 years.  I will however not tell you I love you everyday. BUT in thirty years I will shower you with love"  How far will that take you?
Don't be silly.  You have to look at the short term, everyday, and make intelligent adjustments.  The key word is intelligent.

Today's question is:
"Are you making intelligent adjustments or are you sleeping today?" 

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