
Wednesday, April 20, 2011


"No gain"

Often times we think in terms of short term gain instead of long-term gain.  This short term precedence is dangerous.

According to Dr. Pychyl, when we feel that the task we have to confront makes us feel anxious or overwhelmed we give in and look for something that makes us fee good.  We seem immediate emotional relief by walking away from the task OR leaving it for tomorrow.

It is important to realize that we can have those negative feelings without acting on them.  The key is to stay put for a minute and do not give in.  Acknowledge the feeling and get started with the task anyway.  This forward momentum will change your emotional state and you will progress towards the next step.

So... Stay Put, Acknowledge It, and the Just Do IT!  The secret is the first part.

Today's question is:
"Can you stay put for a minute?"

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