
Monday, April 11, 2011


"Nothing is easy, if it is easy then it is worth nothing"-something I told a group of lab students one morning

Why do we want things to be easy? Is it human nature?  It can not be.

A muscle that is not stretched will start to deteriorate.  A skill that is not practiced will decay.

What we should be asking ourselves is how to get stronger.  The only way to get stronger is to stretch ourselves beyond the known bounds.  If doing 10 bisect curls will make us strong then the 11th curl will make us even  stronger.   I remember when I first tried doing yoga positions in martial arts class.  I felt challenged.  After a while I picked up the book Real Men Do Yoga and I was only challenged but a few of the positions.  At one time I even thought about publishing a yoga book that I created on a beach of 50 positions that could be done consecutively and quickly to challenge oneself.

In my opinion we should not ask for things to be easy but ask for things that make us stretch and then be willing to stretch in order to grow.  Easy provides no growth potential.

Today's question is:
"How do you make something that is easy for you into something that stretches you?"

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