
Saturday, April 9, 2011


Everything in digital form is going to be Free-Chris Anderson

In the book Free the author, Chris Anderson, claims that in the world we live in people expect that anything digital should be free.  So how do you make money?

His belief is that being free allows interest to develop but that eventually you have to convert at least 5% of your "interested" customers into paying customers.

Consider Facebook.  It is free to create a profile and upload a ton of pictures.  If Facebook decided to convert its base of 500M into paying customers by charging lets say $1 per month and they achieved the 5% then 5% of 500M is 25M/month revenue or 300M per year.  Not bad...

So what haven't they adopted this model?  Because they know that if they did people will find a substitute for them.

Today's question is:
"What service that you use on the net that you would be willing to pay a little for?"

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