
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


"The definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"- Albert Einstein

Several years ago I worked in steel industry.  The Bethlehem Burns Harbor plant I worked in was built in 1964 and is the last fully integrated plant(from raw products to finished product) built in United States.  It was built on the dunes and the flow of material was designed such that processes flowed from one into another.

It was interesting that we had a very young workforce with most of the workers joining the plant at the start when they were 18+-25.  So when I worked there 1989-2001 the average age was 43.  Man that seems like a lifetime ago!

Even though  it was a young plant with a relatively young workforce, it was amazing how strongly entrenched the union was.  Many change efforts that the company tried were rebuffed and eventually due to a lack of a strong will to not let the union have its way, the company went bankrupt.  The story is told  in the book Crisis in Bethlehem.

Why do I tell this story?  It seems to me a story of trying to improve but eventually management and union failed.  The chain had many strong links and a few weak ones.  Trying even different things does not mean succeeding.

Success is like old age... not guaranteed.  But without action it is certain.  Maybe more actions would have saved the company?

Today's question is:
"How many actions will you take today even though you do not feel like you are moving ahead?"

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