
Friday, August 3, 2012


"If we focus on solving a problem, there is no physical connection between the intention to accomplish the goal, the mental effort that follows, and the ultimate solution.  What allows us to go from problem to analysis to solution is the insistence of the mind.  This is what must be understood- what must be realized.  This is the explanation, for all of it: there is no physical continuity anywhere, and everything stems from insistence of the mind" - Deepak Malhotra I Moved Your Cheese

I found this quote while reading the book I Moved Your Cheese.  I didn't care for the book too much but I thought this quote was worthwhile.  (The book negates the original Who Moved My Cheese but I did not see what it proposes as a better solution for change.)

The way I understand the quote is that we can have the physical intention BUT the mental intention is what is necessary to solve a problem.  Nice... BUT how do you create a mental intention?

I believe that whatever we think about most often is our mental intention or as the author phrases it "insistence of the mind".   So if I think consciously about something for a major portion of the day it will most likely make its place into my sleep and unconscious mind.  Often I find that after a good night rest the solution to a problem is in front of me and it is easier to see it.

Today's question is:
"What is your technique to force the mental intention?" 

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