
Sunday, August 26, 2012


"As someone who’s quick to buck common conventions, I know that demolition isn’t hard; anyone can say that everything you’ve ever heard is wrong.  The trick is building something better in its place." - The Entrepreneur Equation by Carol Roth

I have a love-hate relationship with negative people.  They are good for finding what is wrong with your idea BUT often can not offer an alternative.

As Carol says it is easy to destroy people or ideas but the building up part is difficult.  An alternative can easily be offered BUT a better alternative is often hard to generate.

It is the idea of devil's advocate vs. angel investor I wrote about in the past.  The devil's advocate does a good job of demolition and finding faults.  The angel investor believes that the person is close to a solution and often leads the person to discover the missing ingredients of a better solution for themselves by posing questions.

Today's question is:
"Are you a builder or a demolitionist?"

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