
Thursday, August 2, 2012


"Is it possible to pursue happiness if the pursuit itself does not make you happy?"- from the book I moved Your Cheese

This question is very difficult to answer.  If it was about the pursuit of anything else then one would simply stop pursuing the goal.  BUT there is something very different about happiness.

I believe that many people go through life unhappy.  It is not the place they live, the place they work, or the million other pieces of their lives.  They are just unhappy.  They do not appreciate what they have and no matter what they get will still be unhappy.

For someone to pursue happiness then they must have decided that 1. it was missing or 2. they were not happy enough and need more of it.  In either case you would not be unhappy about the pursuit.

Using this logic then the quote above has to be false.  I do believe that we can always improve our level of happiness. If I am having an average "happiness" day then all I have to do is write a blog post or two and it improves.  Although it is not a continuous happiness pursuit for me, I am able to nudge it towards a higher level of happiness. 

Today's question is:
"Are you happy with your life or do you need a nudge?"

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