
Sunday, August 12, 2012


"I agree with that" - a person's response

The second type of a team member identified in the Real Truth About Success book is:
The butt kisser: " I see whatever you see, and it looks fantastic."

Many years ago I was an Engineering Manager and had to attend a weekly 2 hour staff meeting.  The Manager I reported to liked to use the meeting for brainstorming.  Brainstorming meant that he talked and talked and at the end asked his staff for their opinions.  I was one of about 10 people that attended.  It was sickening to listen to the smooch sound around the table. 

Most of the time I was the only dissenting voice or provided an alternative point of view.  So I stopped going to his meetings for a year.  He came into my office one day and told me that I was to attend his meetings.  I said fine.

Next week I attended, complimented him on his new one hour format, and never returned to another meeting.  His butt was kissed.

The only good reason for butt kissers is for moral support.  They can be a great first follower (see post Day13) and help nurture an idea for which many team members might be unsure of.

I am sure that every one of us at one time or another has had to kiss some butt.  That is normal.  But it you have a permanent brown nose then you are doing it too often.

Today's question is:
"Do you agree with most things that your leader suggests?"

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