
Monday, August 20, 2012


"Think BIG" - my advice to myself

In post Day560 I talked about a business man who had a product that he wanted seed money to build a second line.  The offer made to him was for the IP rights.  He did not agree and walked away from the deal.

So I kept wondering how this is related to me?  I have been playing with writing apps recently.  I wrote an app the other week which you can visualize simply as a "glorified" PowerPoint presentation that teaches a person how to solve a particular math problem.  It describes the theory, followed by a couple of completely worked out examples, and lastly it gives a template where you plug in values and it generates the solution.

So what?

Well my idea was to create a few apps and sell them on Google app store.  I kept thinking about my app and this guy's story and could immediately see that a better and bigger idea was to develop a template that would allow people to go from PowerPoint to app.  Cool!

Today's question is:
"Do you think BIG!"

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