
Saturday, August 25, 2012


"You must have a keen understanding of your Brand, Outcome, and Differentiator" - Zen of Social Media Marketing Shamna Hyder Kabani

In several branding posts I have spoken of the idea of brand.  I have for the last few years attemped to
re-brand myself from being just an Engineer to a cREATOR (with a small c).  In reality I have always been more than just and Engineer since I have also been a professor.

The point is that I believe that in the long run I want when people think of me to associate creativity and deep contributions in multiple fields as my brand.  So that is the B part.

Since I am trying to establish this Brand I have to evaluate how each Outcome fits with it.  My first book The Result is my first attempt in writing a self-help story.  My second Outcome shows ow I have creatively put together 365 thoughts from over 40 different areas and organized them to be more usable.  Recently I put together and printed copies of a 250 page manual for training new Project Managers.  If you do a search on Amazon you will not find it.  I have not made it available to the public because it is not consistent with the direction of the brand.  It is creative BUT it moves me back to Engineer.

So how do I Differentiate myself?  Well, as a working person I still write daily posts, publish at least one book per year, and future books will be on subjects such as: Teamwork, Finance, Time and Energy management, Poverty of the Mind, etc.

Today's question is:
"What is your BOD?"

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