Before I start the post today I want to say
THANKS…THANKS…THANKS for supporting me for three years in my writing
Years of Focus
word my wife wrote in pencil on a wall next to my side of the bed
Three years ago on February 1, 2011 I started
writing this blog. My wife’s word was a
spark. Another spark was reading
Ka-Ching and wanting to apply it. These
sparks have led me to continuously write a daily blog for each of the
1095=365*3 days.
Each year I try to reflect as to why I continue
to write the posts. The funny thing is
that my wife is now one of my biggest non-supporters. She thinks it is a waste of my time. I completely disagree.
My blog serves as a database of experiences,
stories, and my thoughts on many subjects. It is me without too much being held
back. I write about whatever catches my
eye, makes me pause for a moment, or simply excites me. You can look at the topics and clearly see
where my thoughts are directed towards:
acceptance, action, balance, belief,ben, brand, branding, business, celebrating, change, communicating, communication, communications, connections, creativity, decision making, demanding, Direction, doing, entrepreneur, exceeding, fear,
feelings, financial, flow, focus, Franklin,giving, grit, happiness, I am, influence, integrity, leadership, learning, learning about
others, learning from
others, life mission, making mistakes, mastery, memorable,
momentum, motivation, passion,persistence, PMP, procrastination, receiving, result, routine, sources, spiritual, strategy, stretching, success, success
intelligence, teamwork, transitions, zen
Most of all, the blog allows me to fulfill my deepest
need- to be creative each day. It is my
drug of choice. I get a natural high
from just stopping and writing a few paragraphs. Sometimes I will read an older post and
immediately see the beauty that I tried to express.
The blog is also one of my biggest
challenges. I am not a natural writer
or editor. Most often I write quickly
and do not do enough proof reading. When
I sit down at the end of the year to put the book together I find it so
frustrating that I did not catch 90+ percent of the mistakes.
However, I do believe that overall the quality
and length are getting better. I do read
the post most of the time before I hit publish.
And naturally over time I have increased the length in order to improve
the quality of the content. The numbers
of readers are up so maybe I am succeeding.
Again, THANKS for your support and hopefully year
four will be better than the first three combined. I will be working to make it worth your while
to invest the time in reading it.
Today’s question is:
do you make yourself to keep going for extended amount of time?”
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