
Monday, February 17, 2014

365QOD- Day1107

Success Trap

“Failure’s hard, but success is far more dangerous.  If you’re successful at the wrong thing, the mix of praise and money and opportunity can lock you in forever.”- Po Bronson author

I believe that people suffer two types of fears when it comes to success: fear of failure and fear or success.   Both can be crippling and eventually bring you back to where you were before you started the journey. 

And what can happen if you succeed? This is where Po’s quote comes in.  You have succeeded and now fall in love with the money.  The success is providing you with an opportunity that can lock you in forever.  You are being praised by all around you as a genius.  You feel as if this job is meant to be yours forever.

But what if you are successful at the wrong thing?  Are you judging success by the money or how your success fulfills you?  If you are judging it by money alone, then this can become dangerous.  Money is easy, and fulfillment and life-rewarding are difficult. 

Today’s question is:

“Are you successful at the wrong thing?”

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