
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

365QOD- Day1115

Three Questions

Question 1: What do I actually do best of all?
 Question 2: What do I care about?
  Question 3: Who needs people like me?”- Andrea Kay, USA TODAY

I read  an article by Andrea Kay in which she poses these questions.  But whether you are looking for a job or not, these questions are important enough to pause and ask yourself.  So I am going to get personal and answer them.

So what do I do best of all?  I have worked in steel, academia, consulting, refining, and chemical plants.  What I have done best in all these arenas is to use my creativity to create products and solve problems for my employers.  I am energized when it involves using creativity to solve a problem.  Immediately I enter a state of flow.

What do I care about is a little tougher for me to answer.  If I say I care a lot about lots of things then in my world that is like saying I care about nothing.  The all answer is no answer.  I have noted that this answer changes for me at critical junctions in my life.  When I was leaving steel I asked myself this question and the answer was how people learn.  When I was leaving academia to go back to industry it was to apply my knowledge and presentation skills and see if the results would be different during my second stint in industry.  If I had to answer it now I would honestly have to say that what I care the most is to lead teams that create products and content that change people’s thinking, improve their lives, and solves their problems.

Who needs people like me? I believe that I can walk into a new setting, quickly understand the rules, improve the situation by removing hurdles, provide leadership, and coach the team to a better state.  A company which needs a great leader for a team that will strive to achieve groundbreaking results.  Yes!  That is the company who needs a leader like me.  Notice I did not specify industry or a specific company because my skills are transferable across industries. 

Today’s question is:

“Are you brave enough to pause and ask yourself the three questions?”

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