
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

365QOD- Day1109

Levels of Poor Service

“Worse than stupidity, ignorance, care-less- ness and lack of respect for your customer -- IS ARROGANCE ! “- Greg Burns

I was doing some search about a LinkedIn issue I was having when I ran across this comment by Greg.  It was so full of energy that immediately I wanted to capture it.  And of course write about it.

We all have customers and bosses.  Some even believe that the customer is truly our boss.  Being human, we all make mistakes in dealing with others.  It makes sense to think about the mistakes in having levels of bad service.

I see this quote as describing these levels of service.  If we are just stupid then the customer will see that and not want to do business with us because we are not able to help them get what they need.  At this level, we do not even get a chance to try.

Next level below is ignorance.  It is not intentional and we simply just do not know how to help them.  At this level we are asked but we decline because we do not know what needs to be done to help the customer.  At this level, we are asked but know that we do not know how.

Below the ignorance level is care-less-ness and lack of respect.  At this point we have been given the opportunity but we fumble it.  We just do not perform up to standard that the customer expects.  At this level, we believe that we know how but we execute it poorly.

The bottom level of service is the arrogance.  You are so full of yourself that you understood what the customer wants that you are going to give it to them.  BUT the customer definitely does not want what you are giving.  At this level, we are certain that we know how but we execute the wrong thing.

Today’s question is:
“What level of service are you providing to your customer?”

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