
Monday, February 24, 2014

365QOD- Day1114


“But Life inevitably throws us curve balls, unexpected circumstances that remind us to expect the unexpected. I’ve come to understand these curve balls are the beautiful unfolding of both karma and current”- Carrie Otis

I am like a kid in a candy store.  I look around and see beautiful candy for the taking.  Often times I walk out with nothing in hand.  That is the problem of having too many choices. 

Recently, I have started posting my blog posts on LinkedIn.  This is an audience that I had not approached with my blog.  I tended to always just post to Facebook and Twitter but because there was no button on blogger to just press and post I never posted to LinkedIn. It is my new candy.

So after posting about my blog for a month or so I am noticing a trend.  On the average I get anywhere from 50-100 views per post at this time.  My goal is to drive this into thousands.  But that is just a number.

What is interesting is that after I advertise a post the number keeps creeping up over time.  This creeping is very unexpected because what it showing me that people are taking the time to scroll down their updates for more than a day.  I expected them not to. 

Unfortunately, LinkedIn does not allow me to look at all of my updates from the beginning to see the true numbers for my oldest posts.  A least I do not know how with a free account. 

Lastly, the most unexpected result out of all of the posts is that the one on Giving Stuff Away only got 29 views and it never grew.  That one boggles my mind.  Why is that topic of absolutely minimal interest to LinkedIn members?  That is the unexpected curve ball.

Today’s question is:

“What unexpected observation have you made recently?”

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