“Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never
taste of death but once.”- William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
I have always loved this line. It plays off of extremes. Most of us would not classify our selves as a
coward or as a valiant person. And that
is where the problem can be found.
Because we are not at the extreme then our behavior tends to
be unpredictable. We do not fear
everything or we do not fear anything.
We fear some things. Some things
is very hard to predict.
So what does our mind do to compensate for fears? The mind tries to forecast the future. Unfortunately, because the future is
uncertain it uses fear as a part of its forecast. In other words,
Even though we so not fear everything, some of the things we
fear get enlarged and become the fearcast of our future. So how do we stop? We must take each one of our fears, taste it,
chip at it, whittle it down until it has
no power over us. Then move on to your
next fear.
Today’s question is:
“Are your forecasts mostly fearcasts?”
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