
Friday, March 18, 2011

365QOD-Day 46

"Every master started out as a disaster" T Harv Eker

Most of us marvel when we see someone excel at anything.  They appear to have mastered it.  We somewhat quickly assume that they were gifted in that area and that started of as being great and quickly became a master.

The path to mastery is anything but quick.  However, if you believe the quote above then by giving yourself the permission to start of as a disaster at anything you will give yourself the time to become a master.

In my life, as of this moment, I have instructed 68 different courses.  Am I a master of all of these?  Do I profess to be a master of all of the subjects?  No. Absolutely not.  I profess that I have enough knowledge to attempt to pass on that knowledge to my students.

The first time I teach a class I strive to do it well enough that I would grade myself a C.  What that means to me is that I have managed to cover everything in the book and the students have understood the basic concepts.  Second time I teach the same course then I expect that I would teach it at a level to give myself a B+.  The B+ means that I covered almost everything, students really enjoyed the course, and I am one of the best one teaching the course at that institution.  The third time and after I expect to get an A+.  The subject would be taught so smoothly, the questions and discussions would lead the student to want to apply the course, and very class will leave feeling that their mind stretched.

As you can tell, I start of slowly and give myself a break until I have mastered the course.  By doing this I am not afraid to teach new subjects.

Today's question is:
"What are you a disaster in that if persistent can lead to mastery?

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