
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


From the book The Art of Happiness:
"Imagine that God appeared before you this instant and said:
"I promise you that everything that happens to you from this moment forward will be of the greatest benefit to you and will bring you the utmost good fortune."
Suppose God went on to say:
"Even though what happens will sometimes appear unfortunate or  hurtful, in the end your life     will be wonderfully blessed and hugely benefited by whatever happens." "

This was a paragraph that I quoted a few weeks ago in a blog.  Last night I picked up the book, which was resting next to my side of the bed, again and started reading it. 

Everything that happens to me is the best thing that could happen to me and anything else would not benefit me as much.  WOW!

Now that does not mean that I make the best with what happens.  It means a complete acceptance that it is the best and that anything else would have been worse.

It makes one see their troubles in a completely new way... at least it does for me.

Today's question is:
"Can you accept that everything that happens to you is the best thing that could happen to you and anything else would not benefit you as much?"

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