
Thursday, March 3, 2011


"AGGGGGGH... my back went out"-  a phrase I repeated for many years

The five monkey story teaches how groups keep their members from thinking outside of the box by retaining history.  BUT what do we do to ourselves?

For about 20 years I suffered from back pain.  It started my junior year in college and lasted for 20+ years.  It would come on suddenly while I was moving around or simply getting dressed.

Four years ago I was in great shape.  I weighed 200 lbs. and had a well defined six pack.  My back was as strong as my core.  But one day my back went out anyway.  I went to lay down in the bedroom and when I needed to get up I could barely budge.  I was laying on my stomach and it felt like a 500 lb sumo wrestler was sitting on my back.

I laid there frustrated.  I knew that there was nothing physically wrong with my back.  It was strong.  My brain knew that my body was in top shape.  There was no reason that my brain could come up with for not being able to get out of bed. 

As I lay there sweating in anger trying to get up I realized that my mind was not my brain or my body.  It was observing my body and my brain and making decisions that were not consistent. My mind was controlling the other two.  But where is the mind?  It is definitively not in the brain.  I do not know the answer BUT I know that it is watching what the body is doing and what the brain is thinking.

Today's question is:
What decision is your mind making for you that are not consistent with your reality?

I later realized that the reason for my back pain was stress of truing to control the outcome of a situation in the near future.   I mentally walked myself though all of the back problem instances from the first to the last and reviewed the situation.   I read the book by John Sarno.  Take a look at this video

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