
Tuesday, March 15, 2011


"I can't decide.  What should I do?"- often asked question

In a famous study kids were given a choice of a single marshmallow now or two marshmallows in fifteen minutes.  A follow up study showed that the kids that delayed gratification were more successful later in life.

A similar study showed that when people were offered $99 today or $100 tomorrow, most often chose to have their $99 today(short term choice).  However, when offered the choice of $99 in 364 days of $100 in 365 days chose to get the $100 in 365(a long term choice).

Why?  From The Leap, "making the same decision requires much more reasoning when the time frame presented is a year, not a day, and thus that decision is made in the section of the brain reserved for more complex cognitive processing"

Today's question is:
"Are you a one marshmallow or two marshmallow person?"

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