
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


"How do you eat an elephant?  I asked Pat.  After a brief pause I answered, 'One bite at a time'"

Today is day 50.  Amazing how quickly the days are passing.  The challenge to write a daily blog is mostly one of time.  I have missed a day or so but have tried to religiously post.

I remember when I first started teaching back in Spring of 1993.  My course ran twice a week for 75 minutes.  I figured I needed about 15 pages of notes to keep the students interested and learning.  So every Sunday night I wrote 15 pages.  Monday night I presented them.  On Tuesday night I wrote another 15 pages.  And on Wednesday I presented them... After 16 weeks I had over 400+ pages(some time was lost due to tests).  Amazing!

If someone would have told me that I needed to write 400+ pages of notes I would have quit before I started.  Looking at a big job and staring at it only makes it appear bigger.  It seems that the moral of that story is to just keep plugging away a byte at a time.

(Note that the slides on the left were a modified cover of a Geoff Thompson book cover that I used for a presentation on information overload and yes the word byte is spelled correctly.  Byte is a set of 8 bits)

Today's question is:
"What is the bite that you will take today?"

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