
Tuesday, March 29, 2011


"When you can or you can't give"-Anonymous

I watched an episode of the Secret Millionaire with James Malinchak tonight.  It brought tears to my eyes.In the story James plays an undercover millionaire and volunteers in a community to see who is doing good.  The show was based on Gary Indiana.

I happen to live right next door to Gary.  I lived there from 1979-1983.  It was a great place then but it is a very different place now.  However, people are people. Even in the roughest place you will find kindhearted people deserving of support because they are doing wonderful work.

From the show, the one person who left the biggest mark on James was Coach Tony Branch.  I know Tony.  He has couched my daughter Stefani when he and Coach Curry wanted to see if sixth grade girls could be as talented and teachable as the mostly high school girls that they normally coach.   I believe that the short time they spent coaching her has improved her as a player tremendously.

Coach Branch and Curry are wonderful men and deserve support.  They influence and mold these girls into great basketball players who go on to receive scholarships.  They are givers and not takers.  James gave the group $50,000.

James also gave Tony $25000.  I am not surprised that Coach Branch had a difficult time receiving the $25000 from James.  He is a proud man who is a giver.  Even though he was unemployed at the time, when someone tried to recognize him it was difficult.

To all the givers in the show, my hat is off to you for doing the good work that you do.  To Coach Branch and Curry my eternal THANKS.

Today's question is:
"Are you a giver or a taker?"

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