
Monday, March 7, 2011


“Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future." Fulton Ousler

I remember getting ready to graduate with my Masters in December of 1992.  I remember thinking to myself that my greatest fear was public speaking.  The thought of standing in front of an audience scared the hell out of me.  
I also realized that in the corporate world I needed to be in front of groups in order to present ideas.

I decided to confront my fear by walking into Dr. Ed Pierson's office and asking him to teach an undergraduate course.  It must have been my destiny because he was in a need for someone to teach a combined Electrical and Mechanical Engineering course on Dynamics of Physical Systems. 

He gave me a copy of the textbook and solution manual and told me that there were a lot of students enrolled in the course.  I think my knees started to shake. I don't think I asked how much was the pay.

I remember standing in the hallway with the students for the remaining students from the previous course to leave.  When we entered the room and I identified myself as the professor, I remember trying to pronounce everybody's first and last name that way they would not feel like a number.   

I did well until I mispronounced the last name of a student whose last name was Bonner.  My face turned red, everyone laughed, and my fear was gone.  

After 17 years of teaching, with 70 different courses, I still remember that first night and I am sure I will remember it forever.  I have never failed to laugh about that first night and to marvel that my fear never returned.  What I learned that night was that one has to walk towards their fear.

Today's question is:
How do you plan to confront your biggest fear?

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