"We don't do that around here"- often heard statement
The other day while in class I told the story of the five monkeys.
Once upon a time researchers wanted to study the influence a group has on each member. They placed five monkeys in a room with food along the walls and hung a batch of bananas from the ceiling. They also placed a ladder up to the bananas.
As soon as the monkeys were released in the room one of them raced toward the bananas. Once on the ladder the monkey was drenched with ice cold water. The water was so cold that the monkey came down. Other monkeys observing this tried it for themselves. The result was the same.
What happened next was very interesting. The researchers replaced one of the monkeys with a new monkey. As soon as this new monkey saw the bananas he could not believe that the other monkeys did not see them and raced up the ladder. But this time it was no the water that halted his progress. It was the other monkeys pulling him down. Even when all of the original monkeys were replaced the phenomenon continued. The monkeys were taught that in that room they do not eat those bananas.
Today's question is:
Have you recently heard someone say the words, "we don't do that around here" without being able to tell you why?
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