"Rules should have expiration dates"- Seth Godin
This week I listened to an old book Survival is Nor Enough by Seth. One of the things that I learned from it was the need to set expiration dates to old rules.
In Day166 I offered the story of the ham cutting to fit the pan. A silly little story BUT when you consider that most of our lives are made up of rigid rules it becomes a reminder.
Why do you squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom but it bothers you when your spouse squeezes it from the top. It is a rule in your mind that says that is the proper way to do it.
Why do you drive to work the same way everyday? Because in your mind that is the quickest, easiest, least stressful way of doing it. Maybe that is no longer true.
The problem is that we believe so many things that we need to be cognizant to note these beliefs down on paper and periodically review them . Maybe they are no longer the best rule to follow.
Today's question is:
"What beliefs that we hold dearly should have an expiration date?"
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