
Friday, July 22, 2011


"Work like you don't need the money...
Love like you've never been hurt....
Dance like nobody's watching...
Sing like nobody's listening...
Live like it's Heaven on Earth."- Wall quotation

This was a bit of advice on a piece of paper taped to a wall in my former office.  When you pull back it is a prescription for happiness.  It provides guidance in the areas of money, emotions, behavior, and joy.

I often say The worst enemy of happiness is not being unhappy enough.  If you are unhappy enough then you decide that you must change.  In order to change the area you are unhappy about you must have three beliefs:
1. It must change
2. I must change
3. I can change it
(idea from Tony Robbins)

So follow the above quote but consider the necessary beliefs if you want to make it change.

Today's question is:
"What is it that must change in your life?"

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