
Saturday, July 30, 2011


"Everything I'm not made me everything I am"-rap song lyrics

The other day while walking towards a beach I noticed this tattoo beneath the neck on a young lady.   It caught my eye and occupied my mind. 

We are always so certain of the things we are and the things we are not.  But can the things we are not make us more of what we are?

If something is not enjoyable then we often stay away from doing it.  We do tend to gravitate towards things we enjoy and most likely are good at.  Unless work requires it, we often times play to our strengths.

But can a weakness make us strong?  I believe it can.

In January 1993 I started teaching.  Being in from of a group was a weakness if not a fear.  I did not like being afraid and chose to put myself in a position where I had to be in front of a group presenting at least a couple of times per week for at least one to one and a half hours.

My fear went away.  Now I could be placed in front of very very large groups and I would be OK.  So a weakness became a strength.  That which I was not made me who I am.

Today's question is:
"Have you ever converted a weakness into a strength?"

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