
Saturday, August 3, 2013

365QOD- Day910

"That is the opposite of what I believe."-my words

The eleventh EDP dimension is: Self Confident.

This morning I had a conversation with one of my friends.  It was an eye opener.

He spent considerable time talking about the choices he made throughout his career.  Most of the stories revolved around the idea of working hard for a boss who eventually gets promoted.  The boss then quickly forgets what you did to help them get there.

The thread was that he looked to his bosses as being more of leaders than he believed he was.  He would constantly step in and rescue the boss but never achieved the leader post.  My friend is a great leader who excels in being a great follower.

I am the opposite.  There had never been any doubt in my mind that I can be a great follower if I had a great leader to follow.  But unfortunately most of my bosses had a leadership level below me.  It is pretty difficult to follow a lesser leader. If you are an average leader, 7 out of 10, you will not follow someone who is a  6 on a leadership scale willingly.

Today's question is:
"How self confident are you?"

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