
Thursday, August 1, 2013

365QOD- Day908

"Eureka!" -words of excitement

The ninth dimension that EDP entrepreneurship test measures is: Idea Generator. 

I get ideas all of the time.  When I am aware I capture those in a word document in order to remember the idea.  This way I can pick up the idea and add to it.

So what?  Well just because I generate an idea it does not mean that I will execute it.  If I had executed every idea I got then I would have been a multi-millionaire by now. 

Good ideas are very cheap and easy to come up with. Having great ideas is better.If you're lacking an idea then simply read some magazines in the field of interest and you will find a lot of great new ideas or generate modifications to these great ideas.

However, I do not believe that idea generation is a problem for most people.  I believe that idea execution is the problem.  Once you have an idea or you borrowed an idea for creating, you must set a time frame when you will get that idea executed.

I love working in three month increments.  At this rate I can execute four ideas per year.  This may not seem like a lot but I believe it would be a challenge for most people to do better.

Today's question is:
"Which four ideas will you execute this year?"

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