
Monday, August 19, 2013

365QOD- Day926

There is a Reason

"The set up is just add important add the story. "- story telling advice

In post 925 I pasted the story called Lunch with God.  I want to tell you an interesting story.

Three weeks ago I hurt my right knee.  I went out for a short Sunday run and five minutes into the run my right knee just did not feel good.  So I stopped.  I thought it was my mind playing games so I tried again.  No luck.  Therefore I decided to give my knee a break and start using the elliptical machines in my building's fitness center.

For the last three Weeks, my new routine stated with getting up at 430 in the morning and working or on the machine for and hour or so.  Well, needless to say there is no one fighting you for these machines at 430.  So I stated going down each day and playing my music on my phone and reading books.

The other day I had a surprise.  I walked down to the center and there was a young guy about 12 looking at the machines.  He was dressed in shorts, t shirt, and slippers. Did not look like he was in running shape.
He choose the machine next to me.  We stated using the elliptically without saying a word.  He smiled.  I smiled.

A little later I turned my music playlist on. He just smiled. I also smiled. 

For 75 minutes we both used the machines without saying a word.

The whole experience reminded me of the Lunch with God story.  Mother Theresa used to say that she saw Jesus with his numerous disguises in all the faces she tended to during the day.

Who is to say that God just didn't want to work out that morning?

Today's question is:
"Have you ever worked out with God?"

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